My son has a blankie. Actually it’s a faded pink floral
sleep sack, which is distinctly green because it was washed with something that
should never have been washed. On a related note, I now have greenish socks
that were once white. Also underwear, and a shirt, and at least one dish towel.
All green.
This blanket scares me. Actually it terrifies me. It's insane that my child's happiness is held within the confines of an off-colour piece of floral fabric.

He drags it everywhere he goes, and is inconsolable if he
realizes he wants it and it isn’t at his fingertips. I’ve even had to leave
work, drive home, and bring this blankie to daycare because he spent the entire
morning losing his shit. As soon as the blanket showed up, the world was right
again. I, on the other hand, was hangry because my lunch break was spent on a
blankie-retrieval mission.
This was the day that I first realized how much the blanket
had taken over my life. I now effectively took orders from a glorified rag.
And there rests my panic. I can’t get a duplicate of this bloody
thing. If it ever goes missing, I’m pretty much up shit creek without the
proverbial paddle.
I have friends who were really smart and bought 3 or 4 of
the same blanket that their kids attached to, so they could swap them out. If
one goes missing, bam, here’s another one. Need a third. Done! I, on the other
hand, have to plan ahead 3 days in advance to a time where I can get the
blanket away from him just to wash it.
If this one gets lost, I can’t replace it. I have no idea
where it came from in the first place, and I doubt I could ever find another
one and then recreate the hideous grey-green colour that it has become.
And so I hate it. And I’m afraid of it. Or more
specifically, of losing it.
But watching him drag it around while sucking his thumb is
pretty much the definition of cute.
And so I soldier on, ever vigilant to the
blanket’s continued survival.
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